What is Native place?


National place of birth

“Place of origin” is a symbol that indicates the origin of the product from the territory, area or locality of a country, which is important for the quality and reputation of the product or other characteristics related to geography.

Conditions To Obtain A Certificate Of Origin

  • indicate the origin of the product from the territory, region or locality of any country;
    It is because the geographical origin is an important part of the product’s quality and reputation or other characteristics which include:
    – Factors of nature: soil, air, water, ecosystem and conditions
    Another nature.
    – The human factor is: skill, experience of the producer
    and method.


Place Of Birth That Cannot Be Registered

  • place of origin that causes misunderstanding or confusion about the origin of such goods;
  • A native of another country that is not protected or has ended protection in the country of origin or has been discontinued in that country;
  • Origin that is the same or similar to the trademark that has been protected, which leads to misunderstanding about the source of such goods and others as defined in the intellectual property law.

The duration of native protection is permanent